Avon and Somerset Constabulary Crest

Help prevent crime before it happens

Advice from Avon and Somerset Police on how to keep yourself and others safe, and help stop crime and anti-social behaviour in your community.

View the advice

Explore the subjects below and find the following information and more:

  • How to protect your home and property
  • Advice on staying safe when you are out and about
  • Stopping vehicle crime

All our crime prevention information is available to download in PDF format and print off, so you can share top tips with neighbours, friends and family.

Thank you for supporting us to make the communities of Avon and Somerset be safe and feel safe. We hope you find these resources useful. If you feel there is a topic we have missed, please let us know.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Damage to property, graffiti, rowdy drunken behaviour or inconsiderate use of vehicles – if this is happening in your street, we want to help.


Over 2,000 bikes are stolen each year in the Bristol area alone. Simple steps can help protect your bike, read more.


Over 50 homes are targeted by burglars each week in the Avon and Somerset force area. Discover the different ways to prevent intruders.


It only takes a few seconds for a thief to steal something from your car – but can mean hours of hassle for you.

Get Involved

Partner and Communities Together (PACT) is the process through which you can raise any issues or concerns you have in your area. Read more about how to get involved.

Metal Theft

Metal Theft can include the theft of household items, such as washing machines and garden gates to the theft of metal structure and wiring from businesses and the rail network.


Help protect your motorbike or scooter from thieves by following the advice on our leaflet.

Road Safety

Using your mobile while driving, not wearing a seat belt, speeding and drink/drug driving are known as the ‘fatal four’ of road safety and can destroy lives.

Robbery, Theft & Shoplifting

Find out how to keep your belongings safe when on the move. Advice for shopkeepers and business owners on preventing shoplifting, and the process of civil recovery.

Rogue Traders & Distraction Burglary

These types of criminals prey on the elderly or the vulnerable. Keep your family, friends and neighbours safe by preventing doorstep crime.

Rural Crime

Our dedicated rural crime team work to support farming and rural communities across the Avon and Somerset force area. Information to help keep your equipment, livestock and property safe.

Stay Safe Cybercrime

Find out how to keep your family safe online.

Victims, Vulnerable Persons & Witnesses

Read about the support available for victims, witnesses and vulnerable people.